Indian tonic waters on average contain over four teaspoons of sugar, while ‘light’ or ‘skinny’ natural versions are still surprisingly high in sugar with an average of two teaspoons in a small 200ml bottle. Gallybird is unique – sugar free, zero calorie and without any chemical nasties. Our tonics are light as feather in calories, sugar and free as a bird in artificial ingredients.
To achieve this, our tonic water is sweetened with Stevia leaf extract, ‘sweet herb’ or ‘candy leaf’ as it is frequently referred to. Stevia leaf extract is suitable for a diabetics as unlike sugar or artificial sweeteners it has no effect on insulin levels. Stevia has a glycemic index and glycemic load of zero. Our premium tonics are certified by the Vegetarian Society as suitable for vegans and vegetarians. All Gallybird products are certified by Sugar Wise as calorie and sugar free.